About RE Invest Indonesia
RE Invest Indonesia is a multi-stakeholder platform established by Tenggara Strategics in cooperation with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), to bring together the Indonesian embassies in China, Japan and South Korea; the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry; the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM); state-owned electricity company PLN; and energy companies from Indonesia, China, Japan and South Korea. A total of 81 speakers, ranging from ministers to renewable energy (RE) corporate executives, and 1,71100 RE players from 1,146 institutions joined the RE Invest Indonesia 2021 and RE Invest Indonesia 2022 series, which consisted of China RE Invest Indonesia, Japan RE Invest Indonesia and South Korea RE Invest Indonesia.
Looking at the participants’ high enthusiasm in the Re Invest Indonesia 2021 and RE Invest Indonesia 2022 series, as well as suggestions from participants and speakers, Tenggara Strategics, in partnership with CSIS and The Jakarta Post, will continue the forum with RE Invest Indonesia 2023, this time in hybrid (offline and online) format, to maintain the momentum of high interest among RE investors from China, Japan and South Korea to invest in Indonesia’s renewable energy through China RE Invest Indonesia 2023 in Beijing, Japan RE Invest Indonesia 2023 in Tokyo, and South Korea RE Invest Indonesia 2023 in Seoul.
The investment forum in each country will have two panel discussions on RE policy updates and investment opportunity in Indonesia as well as a business matching session to connect investors and financiers with project owners in Indonesia to help the country achieve its ambitious renewable energy investment targets.
Contact us for further details.

Tenggara Strategics is a business and investment research and advisory institution established by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), The Jakarta Post and Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. Combining the capabilities of these three institutions, we aim to provide the business community with the most reliable and comprehensive business intelligence related to areas that will help business leaders in making strategic decisions. Tenggara Strategics offers daily media monitoring, strategic briefings and tailored research services to our clients to help them make strategic decisions.

Founded in 1971, the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has won recognition as an important research and policy institution both within Indonesia and internationally. Its development over more than three decades is entwined with the history of Indonesia itself. In addition to its core studies in domestic economic and political developments, CSIS has also progressively developed a more international orientation through organizing bilateral conferences involving various countries.
Contact Us
Whatsapp: +62811 9966 083 | E-mail: info@reinvest.id