Micro Hydro Plant Melesom-2

PT Graha Hidro Nusantara
Pesisir Barat Regency, Lampung Province
Financing / Equity Partner
IDR 68,523 mil (approx. USD 4.7 mil)
Melesom-2 is being developed by PT Graha Hidro Nusantara (GHN) as part of PT Adimitra Hidro Nusantara (AHN) portfolio. Project Melesom is a small-scale hydro power plant with a planned capacity of 2x1.15 MW, that will utilize the Melesom River through the run of river (ror) system. MHPP Melesom is initiated to improve the electrification ratio in the area.

Technical Specification - Hydrology

  • MHPP Melesom utilizes water from Way Melesom River with a catchment area of around 46.31 km2 as the proposed weir.
  • The upstream and catchment area consists of productive forests and rice fields, both of which are dense and well vegetated. These attributes provide strong hydrological support to the project.
  • There is also no overlapping area with national forest boundaries.
  • The project's weir site's long-term flow duration curve (FDC) was analyzed from 10 years discharge record data. It is then compared with the discharge data estimated using the FJ Mock method based on rainfall data of the closest station (Lemong Rain Station).

Development Status

Technical Studies
  • Feasibility Study by PT Esco Murti Pradana (2017)
  • FS Review by PT Indokoei International (2020)
  • UKL-UPL Report by PT Esco Murti Pradana (2019)
  • Review Notes by USAID-ICED II (2020)
  • Updated Basic Design by PT Indokoei International (2021)
  • PPA Signed Date : 22 February 2021
  • Financial Close Date : PPA signed date + 7 months 
Grid Study
  • Interconnection study by PT Esco Murti Pradana (2016)
  • Grid study approved by PLN Lampung with KKO/KKF
  • Connection point to PLN 20 KV distribution network (about 1.5 km from the Project)
Land Acquisition 95% of project scheme area is secured

Contact Details

PT Adimitra Hidro Nusantara Prosperity Tower, Level 37 District 8,SCBD Lot 28 Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.52-53 Senayan Kebayoran baru Jakarta 12190, Indonesia T: 62-21-50106288 F: 62-21-50200607

Electricity generated from renewable sources is mainly governed by the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJP) 2005-2025 Law, the Energy Law, the Electricity Law, the Investment Law, and other sectoral and implementing regulations in the areas of geothermal power, water, environment and forestry.

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Indonesia has established its commitment to renewable energy with the 10-year electricity procurement plan (RUPTL) for 2021-2030, which opens lucrative investment opportunities. The government has shown its initiative by reducing the production of coal-fired power plants (PLTU) while aiming for 22 percent of the nation’s energy mix to be renewable by 2025. This underscores the country’s increasing efforts and potential growth in the renewable energy market.

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Whatsapp: +62811 9966 083 | E-mail: info@reinvest.id
